Create a league for doubles (or more)

Interested in creating a league for doubles, triples, or more? Follow along to see how this is done.

Related categories:
Club admin
Player Management
League cycle

This tutorial will take you from start to finish for creating a new doubles league for your club. You can apply these steps for larger teams, with only minor adjustments needed.

You can only do this if you are an admin of the club!

Get to the league management screen

  1. From the homepage, select the admin dashboard by clicking in the top-right of the screen
  2. For the club you are managing, select Leagues
  3. Select Add New

Fill out the form

  1. Give the league a clear name
  2. Select your sport and scoring system
  3. Select players per team. For doubles select 2, triples 3, etc.
  4. Finish the remainder of the form
  5. Hit Save
  6. Your doubles league has been created

Add divisions

  1. Click Divisions on the newly created league
  2. Add at least one division for the league by clicking add new, entering the name and pressing Save

Set up a League Cycle

  1. Return to the league management screen
  2. Click Cycles for the newly created league (or follow the prompt below the leagues list)
  3. Click Add new and fill out the form
  4. Check Open and Published if you want the cycle to be visible to your members
  5. Hit Save

Add players to the new cycle

  1. Click Players on the newly created cycle
  2. Assign players to the appropriate divisions
  3. You can drag and drop a player from the players list into a new team, or an existing one
  4. Or you can tap on the down arrow of a player in this list, and assign them from the menu provided
  5. Make sure to fill the teams correctly
  6. Hit Save to confirm the league cycle layout

Further Options

  • You can name the teams by clicking the input icon to the left of the row dustbin icon (otherwise, a default name will be provided)
  • Hit the bin icon for the row to remove the team
  • Press the bin icon by a player to remove them from that team
  • Reposition teams by dragging the icon on the very left of the screen
  • You can email players from this screen
  • You may also edit the layout of the cycle after saving

Don't forget to hit save! Changes will not take effect unless this is done

If you wish to discard any changes, you can reload the page, or simply exit without pressing save.

After saving, you can click "view on website" to see the initial layout of the cycle.

Create a doubles league guide