Edit a Ladder's Scoring System

If you have just created a scoring system, or are wondering how to change one that has already been set, this guide will show you how.

Related categories:
Club admin
Scoring systems

This tutorial will show you how to apply a scoring system to an existing ladder.

You can only do this if you are an admin of the club!

Get to the ladder settings screen

  1. From the homepage, select the admin dashboard by clicking in the top-right of the screen

  2. For the club you are managing, select Ladders

  3. Click Settings for the ladder you would like to edit

Apply the scoring system

  1. Scroll to, and then click on the Scoring System dropdown box

  2. Select the option you wish to apply

  3. Hit Update Ladder to save the changes

This should now save your input and be available for your ladder!

Please let us know if you have any further queries.

Editing a ladder scoring system