Skipton Squash - Stats
Sandylands Sports Centre, Carleton New Rd, Skipton, BD23 2AZ, United Kingdom
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Last generated for Skipton Squash on 26/02/2025 at 05:59 - Stats are generated daily.
Month to date top 5
FC Francis Chandler 474 | 100% 5 5 |
MB Mike Barrett 283 | 80% 5 4 |
KC Kate Cole 176 | 80% 5 4 |
RH Richard Harrison 164 | 100% 3 3 |
GH Gavin Hodkinson 1014 | 75% 4 3 |
Last 3 months top 5
FC Francis Chandler 474 | 82% 11 9 |
BK Ben Keatings 405 | 73% 11 8 |
RH Richard Harrison 164 | 67% 12 8 |
Stefan Wilkinson 1482 | 100% 7 7 |
Dave Fanthorpe 729 | 78% 9 7 |
Last 6 months top 5
Stefan Wilkinson 1482 | 100% 16 16 |
NH Neal Haines 774 | 76% 21 16 |
Dave Fanthorpe 729 | 88% 17 15 |
MH Matthew Harrison 307 | 65% 20 13 |
GS Graham Summersgill 583 | 55% 22 12 |
Last 12 months top 5
Stefan Wilkinson 1482 | 97% 37 36 |
GS Graham Summersgill 583 | 64% 42 27 |
AR Andy Raynsford 719 | 61% 41 25 |
MH Matthew Harrison 307 | 52% 48 25 |
NH Neal Haines 774 | 74% 31 23 |
All stats
Tap Leagues Score
Stefan Wilkinson 1482 | 1992 |
NH Neil Henderson 888 | 1430 |
NP Nigel Pearce 483 | 1293 |
TP Tim Pickles 511 | 1255 |
Dave Fanthorpe 729 | 1082 |
BK Ben Keatings 405 | 1072 |
PJ Pete Jowsey 271 | 1038 |
GH Gavin Hodkinson 1014 | 1029 |
SD Stephen Dale 389 | 966 |
MB Mike Barrett 283 | 940 |
GS Graham Summersgill 583 | 932 |
KC Kate Cole 176 | 927 |
AS Andy Shipley | 864 |
LC Liam Clay 424 | 801 |
AP Alec Pue 502 | 796 |
MH Matthew Harrison 307 | 795 |
PS Paul Stott 592 | 786 |
Deborah Atkinson 199 | 786 |
BS Brian Shears 572 | 783 |
NH Neal Haines 774 | 736 |
DS David Shoesmith 482 | 730 |
FC Francis Chandler 474 | 705 |
MB Michael Barry | 702 |
RW Rob Winstanley | 694 |
AG Andrew Gubbin | 694 |
RH Rich Harrison 357 | 677 |
LW Leigh Watts 208 | 658 |
AS Adam Smith 560 | 624 |
AR Andy Raynsford 719 | 594 |
CB Charles Barker | 562 |
BM Bill Murfitt 125 | 556 |
BJ Ben Jackson | 556 |
BK Bruce Keep 332 | 543 |
RH Richard Harrison 164 | 530 |
TH Tom Hastie | 528 |
AS Anthony Stanley 304 | 525 |
PC Paul Connell | 425 |
Scott Mashiter 133 | 421 |
MB Matthew Brown | 370 |
Neil Weeks 193 | 358 |
DR Don Rogers | 340 |
MW Mike Wilson | 332 |
AB Adam Buffrey | 330 |
DM Dominic Manley | 314 |
CB Chris Baines | 295 |
GC Gavin Carter | 288 |
SD Sam Downs 533 | 285 |
SH Simon Hart-Woods 524 | 281 |
MB Matthew Boast 206 | 280 |
Barry 💪 Green | 278 |
TS Tiiu Shelley | 274 |
KB Kevin Buckley 495 | 250 |
BJ Ben Jolly | 240 |
TF Tim Fell 175 | 233 |
BH Bilal Hussain | 223 |
GS Garry Stuttard 191 | 218 |
JC john collett 294 | 214 |
DR Duncan Ratcliffe 491 | 210 |
JS Joe Stead | 198 |
LK lee knox 494 | 193 |
SR Simon Rossiter | 181 |
BH Billy Hogan | 179 |
DB David Barton | 178 |
JT Jeff Tucker 1505 | 166 |
RB Richard Broughton | 160 |
JV John Vaukins | 158 |
WG Wayne Grant | 152 |
AL Alex Lester 167 | 150 |
CB Colm Barry | 135 |
LL Luke Lavery | 131 |
AR Angus Robertson | 130 |
JB John Binns | 129 |
AM Angus Meikle | 114 |
OB Oliver Barker 1032 | 114 |
SI Sevag Imasdounian | 105 |
AR Andre Ridley 967 | 104 |
AR Ann Rivera 133 | 99 |
TB Timmy Boothman | 95 |
CM Craig Metcalfe 112 | 93 |
MT Mikey Tennant 184 | 88 |
BS Ben Schindler | 85 |
JB John Barber | 80 |
WW Wendy Wilkinson 205 | 74 |
PG Paul Gallow | 73 |
EL Emma Lloyd 112 | 54 |
JH Julian Higginson | 40 |
TB Tom Baines | 40 |
CD Conor Davis | 36 |
JI Josh Isherwood | 36 |
OW Oliver Walker 154 | 36 |
JW James White | 31 |
TB Tom Beckwith | 29 |
MR Mick Ralph 112 | 29 |
SN Simon Norton | 26 |
AH Alan Hudson | 26 |
GH Gareth Hitch | 11 |
LH Luke Holden | 7 |
JH James Hargreaves | 7 |
PM Peter McArdle | 3 |
DS Dave Smith | 2 |
LA Luca Angarano | - |
LH Lucy Hardman | - |
JA Jeremy Ashworth | - |
PF Paul Fryer | - |
SP Sam Potter | - |
LW Liam Walter | - |
JB Josh Barwick | - |
NH Nick Hall | - |
PJ Paul Jowett | - |
ZA Zak Amjad | - |
MK Mark Kerr | - |
IR Ian Rigarlsford 69 | - |